June, July, August 2023

First up, a month in California

Also, Jon Jon graduated from Kinder! I’ve been TERRIBLE at blogging lately and I keep getting worse. It’s just so nice to not be attached to these devices and be present! But, I really do love looking back at our photo journal in this blog. So, maybe I’ll be better at these updates? Anyways, a year ago we stopped homeschooling and kids started public school. It’s been so great for them! Anyways, here are pics from Jon’s graduation. Also, birthday bike rides, camping with friends in WA, celebrating Curtis’ promotion, and random summer fun.

Jon’s Birthday, watching MEXICO WIN with friends, and a shot from one of summer church ladies brunch!

And then below, summer playdates, dates with Curtis, river days, coast day trips, and lots icecream. Also, summer movie days, swim lessons for the kids all of July, patio happy hour with my neighbors, and twinning with one of my favorite friends!

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