Our 2020 Christmas Card

Happy New years from our five! We took these impromptu pics in our backyard to send some New Years cards because I am always late on sending actual Christmas cards. Someone please come organize my life!! Anyways, 2021 started off weird with insurrection stuff and my heart feels so sad and now I’m not feeling it. Oh well. Here are we are! We miss everyone. And love love all the Christmas cards we get every year. Seriously my favorite. Have I said, we miss everyone?

December 2020: Christmas Stuff

December was really good. Focusing on Advent and the hope in Christ was much needed. We baked a ton, watched lots of movies, went to look at Christmas lights, decorated the house, and shared lots of meals with pod friends.

The rest of the pictures: Christmas Eve dinner, gingerbread house decorating, present swapping with friends, White Elephant gift exchange, wreathe making and hot toddies in the patio, and celebrating birthdays with the pod.

November 2020: Birthdays and Thanksgiving

The pics below are from October and November. We had a friendsgiving in October where the dudes smoked a turkey. We then had “real” Thanksgiving in November where we did it all over again. Hahaha. We love Thanksgiving food apparently.

Evie turned 7! We had a bakery themed birthday with pod buddies.

June 2020- Oregon Coast Camping

These peeps have become our Portland family and we are very thankful for them. I think I mentioned that before! Hahaha

The last weekend in June we went to the coast for some camping and early birthday celebrations (James turned 5!). God has blessed us with really amazing friendships and Curtis and I feel super lucky. Also, the Oregon coast is just so beautiful. Can’t wait until this summer to do it again!

Pandemic Life 2020: Phone Pictures

I think I blogged once in 2020. It wasn’t on purpose. But, it just felt weird. The whole year was weird. Nothing in the year 2020 happened as expected. Everything was different. It was a hard year for me. There was lots of tears, anxious moments, lamenting, low key depression, processessing so many triggers, missing family, missing friends, missing our old life, exhaustion from quarantining with little kids and just sadness. It was hard to blog or take pictures or share. Here are some pictures from the year. Note: These are the highlights. Everything here might look perfect or happy, but that isn’t the whole story. I’ve learned this year you can experience heaviness and happiness at the same time. Feelings are complicated. Hahaha.

I am thankful for the Lord’s faithfulness. His love and grace in the midst of all my mess and doubt still amazes me. He is good despite my circumstances and my feelings and my wandering heart. I am thankful for the way He carried me this year.

I am also thankful for our quarantining bubble. After shelter in place, we decided to form a covid pod with a couple families. That has been my saving grace this year. Pod friends, if you are reading this, THANK YOU. We survived this year because of all you. I am thankful for the community during such an isolating year.

Anyways, here are some cell phone photos. They are not in order and I don’t have the energy or time to fix it! Later this week I will upload my photos from my real camera.

This was in May. For mothers Day we drove up past the Gorge of a hike and picnic.
My friend took this photo. Tamales and Posole!! Porch happy hour with this friend filled my hear!
Spring 2020. Getting read for our chickens. Curtis building the chicken run. My urban homestead dreams are coming true.
Blueberry picking for Jon’s birthday in July with pod friends.
These are pics from our camping trip in Sisters, Oregon in August.
In October Curtis’ parents came to visit. They visited and then spent the weekend in Bend with them. We said goodbye and the drove back to Santa Cruz. We walked our sadness away at this beautiful place.
Evie turned 7 in November.
Nature Day with pod friends.
We’ve stepping up our cocktail game. My sweet friend and I made some delicious fall cocktails with pumpkin and black walnut bitters!
Lots of nature days.
In December we went to the mountains with pod friends and found a tree in Mount Hood. Soup and Hot cocoa after we got back to the car.
Our dear husband’s booked an air b and b for us. We ate yummy food and had cocktails and slept and it was glorious. Best husbands.
What baby showers looked like in 2020. This is the patio where we meet with our covid pod to do church every Sunday. It’s been sweet to have fellowship, take communion together, and just process with others. So thankful for our covered patio during Covid times! We have added heaters for winter because goodness it gets cold in Portland!
Playdate with my lovely friend, Adrianne, who returned to Portland!!
On our hike to find a christmas tree.
Lots of nature days. Beautiful pic by my friend.
We found a tree. The most beautiful tree we’ve had! Definitely a new tradition for our famlily.
Chilly autumn night bon fires. Drinking hot chocolate after carving pumpkins.
We hosted many summer outdoor movie nights.
These pics are so out of order! Back in May on our mothers day hike.
Celebrated the first day of summer with ice cream.
Drive by Christmas Light Show.
Pandemic dates. We got dinner to go and then walked through the garden center. I picked out a lemon tree!
We got a green house. Gardening was life saving for me this year. I am a newbie, but, so obssessed!
On my birthday. 35!!! I cried alot this day. But, look, I’m also smiling!! Hahaha.
Camping with friends in August.
Another pandemic date. We got beers and pizza outside. It was lovely.
Social distance bon fires with a sweet friend back in May.
Curtis’ parents gifted us their boat!
Celebrating 11 years with a date at the food trucks. We ate outside and then went back home and made bourbon sidecars and played some board games.
Octoberfest at our house with pod peeps. These homemade pretzels were amazing.
Evie in her element at home. Swimming (we got a pool! Hahaha) and picking blackberries.
My plot at the community garden. Look at this beautiful Bee Balm!
Advent times in December.